Club Shiftleader Doka

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Club Shiftleader Doka

Doka is an underground and intimate sound bar where the night, music and other forms of culture come together. Doka's program is the result of collaborations with Broedplaats VKG – the creative studios within Volkshotel – and artistic talent within and outside Amsterdam. This makes Doka the living room and extension of DJs, artists, live bands and other creatives.

For Doka – in the basement of Volkshotel – we are looking for an experienced manager. Do you like working at night, do you have experience behind the bar and are you a big music lover? Then you might become our newest colleague.

Are you:

  • Living in Amsterdam (or surroundings)?
  • Representative, socially skilled and guest-oriented?
  • A real nocturnal animal?
  • Flexible and stress resistant?
  • Familiar with the Amsterdam nightlife?

This is what your shift looks like:

You clock in and start your shift. You walk down the stairs to Doka where you meet up with a small team of colleagues. You go through the programme of the evening and make sure that everyone knows what to do. You are also the first contact person for the artists, so you ensure that the artists feel right at home when they arrive. Furthermore you adjust the light and sound properly. When Doka opens for visitors, you pour perfect beers and make the tastiest cocktails and report directly to the Canvas/Doka manager. Not working at Volkshotel? No problem. As an employee you get a discount on everything (programming, rooms, food and drinks) in the hotel. In addition, you get free access to the hot tubs and sauna on the roof and all yoga classes.

What else do we find important?

  • Experience in the Amsterdam nightlife is a benefit
  • At least 1 year of relevant managerial experience
  • Cocktail making and bar experience is a must
  • Communicative skills
  • Perseverance

What do we offer?

It concerns an agreement with a minimum availability of 16 hours per week mainly during the weekend. Salary is in accordance with the Horeca CAO and in accordance with your responsibilities. As an employee of Volkshotel you get a hotel night for free every year. In addition, you can also count on the following: an extra day of vacation, free yoga/hot tubs/sauna, a discount on everything in the building, and the Volkshotel birthday party every year.

Are you the bar manager we are looking for? Then apply now. Acquisition in response to this advertisement is not appreciated.

In Doka voert geluid de boventoon. Vanuit de sound bar zenden DJs, bands, en creatieven hun klanken de wereld in. De kelder is de plek waar verschillende subculturen elkaar ontmoeten. Relax of laat jezelf gaan. Hier kan het escaleren terwijl je onzichtbaar blijft. 

We stimuleren de talrijke ontmoetingen die in Canvas plaatsvinden. Van zakelijk ontmoetingen, tot vriendschappelijke etentjes, tot een lekkere flirt aan de bar of op de dansvloer. Maar denk ook aan de ontmoetingen tussen dag en nacht, eten en dansen, etc.

Als je het zelf leuk hebt, hebben anderen het ook leuk. We proberen een plezierige omgeving te creëren voor iedereen. Canvas is een plek waar je naartoe gaat om plezier te hebben.

We blijven graag bij onszelf. We zijn nuchter, zonder poespas maar altijd amicaal en warm. We laten graag onze eigen smaak zien, zowel in het eten als de muziek en inrichting.

Door pretentieloosheid, gastvrijheid en betaalbaarheid willen we een ongedwongen, vanzelfspreked de en gezellige sfeer creëren waarin iedereen zich welkom voelt.